La règle du GAP selon l'APHC

To be eligible for the GAP program, the horse must be registered with the ApHC. This option may also be processed concurrently with an Application for Registration. A horse must also meet the following criteria:
1. To be eligible for the first level (G5) of the GAP, the sire and dam of applicant horse must have four (4) complete generations of ApHC-registered Appaloosa horses in their pedigrees according to ApHC records. There can be no unknown, unregistered, or non-Appaloosa horses in their four (4) generation pedigrees, no matter where the placing of a Foundation (F) horse with unregistered or undocumented parentage may fall in said pedigrees.
2. Sire and dam of the applicant horse must be registered with the ApHC and must be DNA tested and the results filed with the ApHC.
3. Applicant horse must be parentage verified via DNA testing through the ApHC and results filed with the ApHC.
4. Only offspring of horses entered in the GAP will qualify for the next level of said program.

Alors je vous avoue que celui là j'ai du m'y reprendre à plusieurs fois, certainement parce que Sully m'a été vendu comme un G-6 et forcément ça colle pas. Si moi je suis ce que j'ai compris, Sully est un G-5. Du coup, j'ai plus qu'à rectifier sa fiche. Ce qui veut dire qu'un G5 a 5 générations complètes d'appaloosas avant la sienne (soit 62 appaloosas sur les 62 chevaux présents sur les 5 generations). Un G6 en a 6, etc etc.